Protega Wood-S, White Wash

An eco-friendly, water-based fire retardant paint for surface layers, approved for the Fire Rating B-s1,d0. The Fire Rating B-s1,d0 is often specified in evacuation routes and in assembly rooms on walls and ceilings. Protega Wood-S is used indoors on wood-based substrates with a minimum thickness of 8 mm for B-s1,d0 and on non-combustible substrates such as concrete or plaster in Euroclasses A1 or A2-s1,d0 with a minimum thickness of 6 mm, density >338 kg/m3.


An eco-friendly, water-based fire retardant paint for surface layers, approved for the Fire Rating B-s1,d0. The Fire Rating B-s1,d0 is often specified in evacuation routes and in assembly rooms on walls and ceilings.

Protega Wood-S is used indoors on wood-based substrates with a minimum thickness of 8 mm for B-s1,d0 and on non-combustible substrates such as concrete or plaster in Euroclasses A1 or A2-s1,d0 with a minimum thickness of 6 mm, density >338 kg/m3.

Protega Wood-S is available in matte white or whitewashed and can also be tinted to desired pastel shades. For a wipeable surface, the fire retardant paint is protected with Protega Topcoat W. It has been tested together with Protega Wood-S and is included in our Swedish certification and our European approval (ETA). Protega Topcoat W is available in two bases to achieve all colors. More information can be found on the Topcoat W product page.

Both the fire retardant paint Protega Wood-S and the topcoat Topcoat W are recommended by the Building Product Assessment, evaluated by Sundahus, Red List Free, and registered in Basta.

Paint consumption for the fire retardant paint Protega Wood-S:
– 300 grams/m2 without repainting with Topcoat W
(12.5 kg bucket covers approximately 40 m2)
– 400 grams/m2 when repainting with Topcoat W
(12.5 kg bucket covers approximately 30 m2)

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